Thursday 30 May 2013

Things students of today go through.

A number of students today face problems in school and in their general lives. There are many negative factors that affect the lives of students today no matter which level they are in. And surprisingly a lot of these factors usually evolve from the personal surroundings of where students come from.   

Mainly these problems are a direct result of family problems, peer pressure, stress from school work, relationships, drugs and the list goes on.

Problems from home usually affects students drastically as a considerable amount of time is spent on the situation at home and this adds to the stress levels of students.

Peer pressure can be both positive and negative but in today's world it is mostly negative as students are easily influenced by their "so-called" friends to do other things that are of no use, whether it be skipping classes or starting to or drinking alcohol rather then completing schoolwork.
Students skipping classes.                                               Source: Google Images 
Extra load of schoolwork in terms of assignments and assessments can also be a source for stress students as not all students have the same capability to be on par with the rate of learning that is being taken place.
Students stressing out.                                          Source: College Magazine
Being in relationships in schools, something very common in Fiji, can lead to poor performance of students as well if their ability to prioritize things is absent. It easily leads to students being taken off road and into other ventures such as drugs and even suicide at times.

Then we have the major factor of alcohol and drugs that affects more than half the student population in Fiji. With the this problem being mainly present in the Central Division there have been programs launched that look to fight this issue is related to the issue of sexual abuse whose numbers have also been on the rise. 

Source: Google Images
Addressing such issues has been embedded into the working descriptions of school counselors, police officers, education officers and other relevant authorities as tackling these problems is getting tougher day by day.

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